What Brings You Joy?
We all have those moments where we need a little joy to get back on track to feeling good.
"We all have those moments where we need a little reminder, a little extra to get back on track to feeling good."
Have you ever had a day where you feel stuck? Like you can’t get out of your way, out of your mood. It happens! It’s part of life. I believe that our emotions are there to help us learn, grow, and give us important information - AND sometimes they are reminding us it’s time to tune back in to ourselves.
So- what do we do when we are there?
Appreciate what is
And allow ourselves the time we need to let the waves of emotion move through.
Some thoughts and questions to consider:
A wise friend once shared (and it’s stuck) “If it’s not a “Definite YES!” It’s a No!” Ask Yourself: Is something getting in your way? What are you resisting? WHY?
“I believe in the sunshine, even when it rains.”
Ask Yourself: What can you notice that makes you smile?
Celebrate every day.
Ask Yourself: What can you celebrate about the today?
Find joy in the little and big moments and stay grounded in your truth
Ask Yourself: What do you value? What matters? What do you notice if you pause and zoom out?
If I’m really in need of a mood lift, then for me I need to move the energy in my body. To me that means physically exertion, maybe screaming, running, singing while I: run, walk, do a Whitney Hoover exercise, dance, or get on my trampoline and SHAKE out the yuck to loud music (with weights)
That usually does it.
And then I remember, that we all have those days- and it’s okay. With grace and gratitude we will flow on.